Did you know new legislation has led to stricter enforcement of regulations?

So, are YOU in Compliance with your 8(a) status?
  • Are your financial statements credible?
  • Is your business subject to an Audit or Review?

Annual revenues of $10 million or more?

Annual revenue of $2-10 million?
– Financial Review REQUIRED!

Annual revenue of less than $2 million?
– Verified Accuracy REQUIRED!

Often, you will need successful audits or reviews to respond to a request for proposalWork with a professional Peer Review Certified CPA like J.S. Morlu to come into compliance!We have over 25 years of experience in audits, financial review, and compilations.

Are You Subject to an Audit or Review?

Even if you aren’t over the limit, an audit or review conducted by a professional can lead to greater insights and proper preparation for required assurance down the road. Sometimes, GSA and other agencies require financial review or audit as a requirement to respond to a request for proposal.

Why is Working With an Expert Important?

The SBA is cracking down on compliance with recently passed legislation pouring money into hiring efforts. For example, the SBA has hired thousands of CPAs and CPA firms to review 8(a) applications and financial statements submitted by 8(a) companies. The team at JS Morlu has seen the impact of these hiring efforts with more businesses being required to hire independent CPAs to conduct an audit or review.

Our team completes audits and reviews on a regular basis, so we know exactly what the SBA is looking for. When your business is required to complete an audit or review, a qualified accountant is necessary to sign off on the report. The team at JS Morlu has the required qualifications that the SBA is looking for.

John Morlu's photo

John S. Morlu II, CPA, MBA

Auditing, Financial Review and Compilations expert

Next Steps - Talk to us

Is your business subject to an audit or review? If you are unsure what your obligations are, reach out to a team member today. We would be more than happy to walk you through your reporting requirements and next steps.

703 594 4944 [email protected]
2200 Opitz Blvd, Suite 200, Woodbridge, Virginia 22191
